Category: Law Enforcement
U.S. Attorney John Horn met with Freda Waiters, T.J. Ward, and Marcus Coleman for more than an hour at Atlanta's Richard B. Russell Federal Building, a week after a second Fulton County grand jury declined to indict former Union City police officer Luther Lewis for the murder of unarmed black youth Ariston Waiters in 2011. Horn vowed to open an investigation into the controversial fatal shooting.
Nineteen-year-old black youth Ariston Waiters was shot twice through his spine at point-blank range by former Union City Police Officer Luther Lewis. Waiters was unarmed, yet a Special Grand Jury declined to indict. New evidence uncovered by renown Private Investigator T.J. Ward confirms that Waiters' death could not be justified.
"It's been very clear from the onset that most, if not all, of comedian Bill Cosby's accusers have significant ulterior motives which drive their public statements," states internationally noted Atlanta Private Investigator T.J. Ward.